Sunday, June 30, 2024

Freeguild Cavaliers: Painting the Cavalier's Face and Applying Heraldic transfers

 Hey there! Join us for our latest Cities of Sigmar painting session. In this episode, we'll paint the cavalier's face before securely gluing the great helm in place. Plus, we'll finish off the horse barding by applying heraldic emblem transfers.

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Sunday, June 23, 2024

Unboxing Chronicles of HATE vol. 2 Tyrant edition

 Hey there! Join us for an exciting unboxing adventure! Let's explore The Chronicles of Hate Volume 2 as we unveil this highly-anticipated boxed set. Featuring additional models, figurine cards, special rules, and hardcover comic books, this collection is a must-see for any fan of the series.

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Sunday, June 16, 2024

Freeguild Cavaliers: Painting the Great Helm in NMM plus helmet evolution & symbolism

 Hey there! Join us for another exciting painting session in our Cities of Sigmar series. Watch as we use the non-metallic metal technique on the cavalier's great helm and delve into the evolution and symbolism of medieval knight helmets. Come along for a fascinating exploration of history!
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Sunday, June 9, 2024

Unveiling the Epic White Dwarf 500: Exclusive Insights, Gaming Treasures

 Hey there! Let's venture into the fantastic world of tabletop gaming with the unveiling of the epic 500th edition of White Dwarf magazine! Packed with exclusive Warhammer content, captivating stories, and thrilling scenarios, plus special rules to unleash Grombrindal in your games. This is a collector's dream!

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Sunday, June 2, 2024

Freeguild Cavaliers: Painting the armor and horse barding in NMM

 Hey there! Ready to conquer gray? Today, we're exploring the art of painting with a focus on the non-metallic metal technique for the war horse barding and cavalier’s armor. We’ll also talk about the captivating world of medieval tournaments, highlighting their pageantry, competitive spirit, and communal camaraderie.
Tune in for a blend of painting and historical insight.
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