Sunday, June 16, 2019

02603, Skrug the Bugbear Shaman

This model was sculpted by Ben Siens.
It’s mounted on a 40mm round base and was painted with acrylics. 

After a major earthquake shook the mountain range of western Zenitonia, Skrug and his clan had no other choice then move. Their entire lair was destroyed in a dreadful collapse. Dozens of Bugbear died or were trapped under the unstable rubbles, survivors had to leave.

Has Hruggek abandoned his fateful worshipers? For, after traveling by night and hiding in a valley of the Vermillion Hills, the horde had to stop by the Lynx River torrents. There, they were decimated by a group of adventurers passing by looking for Belladonna berries. Only two families managed to escape the slaughter crossing the river on a makeshift raft.

Belladonna or Wolfsbane berries are very toxic, they are also an essential ingredient to concoct the cure against lycanthropy. But this is another story.

Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Cat Critters

Darksword Miniatures Cat Critters sculpted by David Summers.

Black Cat Avenging Thief, DSM7969

Ali Sparrow the Female Cat Pirate, DSM7971

Augustus Tribute the Emperor Cat, DSM7986

King Richard the Lion, DSM7999

Scottish Wildcat Warrior, DSM8006

Pretty Pretty Princess the Victorian Female Cat, DSM8017

Brave Sir Robin the Scaredy Cat, DSM8018

"Bean" the Cthulhu Cat, DSM8028

Ella the Cat Rogue, DSM8077

Archer the Grumpy Cat Warlock, DSM8078

Nom the Cat Paladin, DSM8079

Cat Warrior with Battle Axe, DSM8103

Frankie - Cat Rogue with Dagger, DSM8104

Scottish Fold Cat Cleric with Warhammer, DSM8110

Birman Cat Bard with Ale and Lute, DSM8111

 Persian Cat Warrior the Dual Wield, DSM8112

Siamese Cat Wizard with Staff, DSM8113

Asha the Cat Rogue, DSM8114

Sphynx Cat Druid with Staff, DSM8116