Sunday, August 25, 2024

Unboxing 1st prize purchase from Tabletop World

 Hey there! Join us for an exciting unboxing as we reveal the items we picked out with our prize from Tabletop World. Let’s unpack it together and see what’s inside!

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Sunday, August 18, 2024

Ironweld Great Cannon: Assembling the Artillerists & building a custom base

 Hey there! Join us for episode two of our sub-series where we assemble the Ironweld Great Cannon crew and craft a custom base. Watch as we use Green Stuff epoxy putty and a textured rolling pin to create a base that captures the rugged, arid look of the Great Parch.
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Sunday, August 4, 2024

Ironweld Great Cannon: Unboxing and Assembling the Artillery piece

 Hey there! Join us for the first episode of our new sub-series. In this video, we'll be assembling the Ironweld Great Cannon for our Cities of Sigmar army. Let’s fortify our position and expand our Hammerhal Aqsha army.

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