Wednesday, March 31, 2021

02690, Owlbear

 Reaper Miniatures 02690, Owlbear on 50mm base.
This Dark Heaven Legends model was sculpted by Jason Wiebe.

This is another version of the model I painted in 2010.

Tuesday, March 30, 2021

02-912, Giant Rat

 02-912, Giant Rat produced by Ral Partha in 1983.
This model was sculpted by Julie Guthrie.
Still available from Iron Wind Metals under sku: DF-106.
I placed it on a 20mm base.

Monday, March 29, 2021

02126, Arachno-Assassin

 Reaper Miniatures 02126, Arachno-Assassin.
This Dark Heaven Legends model was sculpted by Bob Ridolfi.
I had this mini for a long time and it was damaged.
I replaced its upper left hand falchion for a sword from the 02455, Weapons pack IV.

Sunday, March 28, 2021

Skeleton Horde

Skeleton Horde by Games Workshop / Citadel Miniatures from 1986. I mounted them on 25mm base and converted a few of them. I used remaining parts from other minis and changed some shields, skulls and weapons. I also printed two army trays to be able to move them more easily and change their arrangement on the game table. There's 16 skeletons in total.