Wednesday, June 30, 2021

01411, Harapan (converted)

 Hello everyone, here is my converted Reaper Miniatures 01411, Harapan sculpted by Jason Wiebe. Back in 2005, this limited-edition model was produced to raise money after the Tsunami disasters in SE Asia. The funds collected were distributed to the Red Cross and Unicef.

Nowadays, this mini is very hard to find and the molds were supposedly destroyed after production. I was lucky enough to find one and spent all my free time during the last two weeks converting, painting it and creating a base for it.

I converted its weapon by replacing the blades with a cleaver and a tiger paw flail. You can see the original model in the last picture. The tiger paw is the front paw of a 02817, Moor Hound. The tropical plants are plastic aquarium plants. I painted the blade as damascus forged steel and added a blue/green sky and earth non-metallic metal SENMM effect on the metallic parts. I also added a ceremonial painting on Harapan’s forehead. I have used Reaper MSP. 

Saturday, June 26, 2021

Rear_Facade_A issue

Same kind of issue on model Rear_Facade_A. When I generate the G-code, there is a cavity behind the bricks on both sides.

Friday, June 25, 2021

Front_Facade_A1 cavity issue

When I generate the G-code, there is a cavity behind the bricks. On Prusa Slicer, at 0.1mm layer height, from layer 216 to layer 462, I get an air pocket just behind the surface of the North wall. See these pictures;


The same issue happens when I generate the code in Chitubox;

Resulting print; 

I get the same cavity on model Front_Facade_A2 as well.

Tuesday, June 8, 2021

44045, Shrieking Fungi

 Reaper Miniatures 44045, Shrieking Fungi.
These Bones Black (plastic) models were sculpted by Bob Ridolfi.


Saturday, June 5, 2021

10-463, T'Char Dragon of The Flame and Fury

 Ral Partha 10-463, T'Char Dragon of The Flame and Fury sculpted by Sandra Garrity in 1992. I bought this model in 1993 and assembled it in 1995. It has been on a shelf all these years. It’s a pleasure to see it finally painted. This amazing sculpt is 175mm tall, almost 7 inches at the top of the wings. The original model comes with a nice base around which I added more rocks and branches. I made the flames with Liquitex heavy gel and 3d printed a 125mm wide base to complete the vignette. Nowadays, this 12-piece dragon is still available from Iron Wind Metals. I painted it exclusively with Reaper MSP paint.

 Here are pictures of the boxed set cover for reference.